The conference theme was the Sovereignty of God and three classes were offered for both senior and junior high addressing specific questions that corresponded to that theme. i was asked to answer: "Why do the opinions of others matter so much to me?" for the junior high. I ended up having two groups each day, 20-25 kid in each. It is a heavy question but it was fun to get them engaged and instruct them in how the gospel makes a difference in tangible ways with relationships.
My group of kids mostly stuck together or with another, though there were a few who ventured further out relationally. I was proud of them in many ways as their leader. Most of the questions discussed in the classes and evening assembly they've already wrestled through with me in youth group. They are, as we all are, still wrestling with them, but they understand the framework. I also couldn't be in four places at once so it was freeing to know that they wouldn't do something foolish, or at least not before I would return! Risk was definitely involved in attempting to cross the freezing river, but that occurs with any adventure.
Thursday we went into Bellingham for an elaborate scavenger hunt-the quest for the granite gargoyle and golden cherub! The director of our camp and written up an entire story along with poetry and "deep parchments" instructing and giving clues to the campers. We didn't have the special effects and dire consequences of Indiana Jones, National Treasurer, or The Da Vinci Code and our prize was not humanity's salvation from imminent death or redemption from tampered history but free ice cream instead. Afterwards, some of my group went to some local thrift stores and found some stellar outfits, which gave me some thoughts for a future game...
After doing an 8 mile hike Friday afternoon, I quickly said goodbye to the kids, entrusted another leader to keep an eye on them, packed up, drove home, cleaned up and slept. I had a 5 hr exam starting at 8am and though I didn't have much time to study, I believe it went well. The kids told me they were up until 4am and had some fun stories to tell so I'd say camp finished well!